Monday 17 February 2014

Down tools!

I hope you're enjoying the archive posts, still three more to go. Here's a very quick post about what I'm up to at the moment. I'm currently working on a project in Dartmouth on the painted ceiling at St. Saviours Church.

St. Saviours, Dartmouth. 
I worked there last week but annoyingly the weather has intervened and I've had to pause for the time being due to the loss of train and road links between Devon and the North. So until the 24th I'm working on other projects at home.

The destroyed line on my route.
Once I'm back I'll take plenty of photos of the work and post them here. The project's really exciting, and has already thrown up some new discoveries.

On Friday there will be another archive post, this time of the wonderful Renaissance panels at St. Cross in Winchester.